Saw a friend at Target today. Might not seem like a big deal, but when you live in a community for over 20 years, you get used to seeing people you know every where you go. When you go to Target or Texas Roadhouse, you ALWAYS see a friend. Now I have moved back home, and I'm not lonely, my best life long friend is here, my family is here, and I have new and old friends, the town just seems somehow empty sometimes. When I go to Target or Texas Roadhouse, I just see people. Lots of people, but I don't know ANY of these people.
So today, when I ran in to David Snyder, it made the whole town seem a bit more like home. David is one of Joshua's friends, his parents are our friends and his Uncle Mike was my youth pastor in High School. I got a hug hello and a hug goodbye and ten minutes of chatting with a friend. And I met his girlfriend, a sweet girl. I was already having a great day, but this made my day even better! It's also great to see kids you loved as kids grow up into great adults who you still love as adults.
So next time you see the new person at work, school or Target, say hi, stop and visit, and smile at a stranger.