Thursday, April 27, 2023

After Bucket List

 On a recent work trip to Syracuse, we took a Road Trip up to Fort Onterio, there were 4 of us who had never been in the area.  We were talking about the things we were seeing and doing and all of us thought it was pretty cool to cross off, The Erie Canal, Fort Onterio, Lake Onterio, and Green Lakes State Park from our bucket lists.  But none of us had those things on our bucket list, so we came up with the concept of an After Bucket List.  Unlike the name might imply, this is not after you kick the bucket.  This is after you do something, something you didn't think you were going to do or see, but it came your way and it was cool enough to be on a bucket list. So I started an After Bucket List. It's gonna be fun to grow it. What has been on your after bucket list?