Saturday, May 26, 2018

Eat the Ice Cream

We went on a short cruise this past winter and were seated in the same area each night for supper.  I had noticed a couple who sat in our area each night.  They were around the 60 years old mark and I believe they were probably from somewhere in Europe.  From what I saw, they did not speak English, the gentleman never seemed really happy, just there to eat.  On the last night, I noticed that after they were done eating, the waiter brought him a dish of ice cream.  Served fancy in a silver stem bowl, one scoop of ice cream.  He smiled like a 5 year old at a birthday party, one scoop of ice cream changed my whole perspective on who he was.  He may have been quiet and solemn for most of the cruise, but for one moment, I got a glimpse of the inner child.

Today we went on a day trip to Itasca.  One advantage of empty nesting is that we can take John's Mustang when we travel.  It is such a smooth drive and those curvy tree lined roads in the park and outside of the park are just a dream to drive thru.  If you know John well, you know he loves Huckleberry anything.  Itasca sells Huckleberry ice cream.  The line was way too long to get some, but on the way home we stopped at the Malt Shop in Lake Park and we got our Huckleberry Ice Cream.  Well, John did, I got my standard mint chip, always a good choice. 

Go out, drive with the windows open and eat the ice cream.

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