Sunday, May 20, 2018

Know your Goals

Took me long enough, but here is my first Blog post. 
I decided to call it know your goals, because I am trying to define the goal of my blog. 
I play a game called Gummy Drop, it's a silly mindless game that takes up too much of my minds time, but playing it is a relaxation mode for me. There are different goals for each level.  Sometimes, I am playing a level and I can't seem to win, I try and try, use all three of my 'guys' and still don't win the level.  Then I look up at the goal of the level and realize I have missed the goal.  Maybe I was trying to clear the tiles when I needed to drop the flip flops, or trying to drop the bomb while forgetting to clear the tiles.  The game is much easier if you just know the goals.  Such is life, it is much easier if you know the goal. 
I have decided to make the goals of my blog to:

Talk about my travels
Express thoughts I have at the time of writing
Reflect that Life is Good even on a bad day
Learn from people thru comments and discussion
Be open to adding to these goals

Life Is Good

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